Tuesday, May 20, 2008

oh HELL no!

DAMN! talk about a fuck up. Well I spoke with some of the guys over at the Moparts Forums and a number of things happened here. I never had adhesion problems. For the fact that when I first started on the hood (JAN archive), I sanded off, MOST of the clear coat. which led to a clean surface. Well, I got a bit hasty when I painted the whole car. The sun was almost over my head and I wanted to see the outcome, my fault. Anyways, what happened here was I didnt sand of the original paint. This car was made in 93, so all those years must of gathered up tons of contaminants. regardless of the numerous car washes its been through, There is always going to be contaminants that car washing soap and mineral spirits cannot remove. The paint came right off with the hose water pressure.

Click picture to enlarge


OK, those issues are resolved and now I'm ready to tackle this project again. I managed to paint the whole vehicle with the brightside paint. 2 Things I should of done prior to painting the whole vehicle.

1 - I should have painted the gaps between the panels by spray bombing it.
2 - I should paint at least 1 layer both on my hood and trunk.

I'm not to sure if I should even put a layer on my hood, because I used a different paint.